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Check Amazon for my 2021 book, Fired at Fifty-Seven: My Fight for Justice in Christian Academia . For book cover and interior design, it is hard to beat. In fact, it looks as professional as any one of my more than 20 books published by established publishing houses. This volume has been set up through Amazon's KDP publishing. My job was to write the book and "hire" my dear husband John Worst to edit it.  I submitted my manuscript to a long-time publishing house editor who had edited previous books of mine. After consulting his supervisors, he agreed to take on the design and publishing as a freelance project.  If you are from West Michigan or are traveling to this wonderful area of the Great Lakes, stop by and see me at my business, Carlton Gardens . It is truly a destination location! I will gladly give you 7 minutes of my "expert" advice! Check out for additional information. For further information: Ruth A. Tucker, Ph.D.           ...